The time I insulted a chef

What a mis-steak!

The waiter walked over, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else.

“The chef won’t cook your steak ‘tres bien cuit’ like you asked, Sir.”

That was me told. There was no way I was getting it very well done, so I had to sheepishly order something else.

What can I say? I was young and naive.

I was reminded of this story because my son’s learning French at the moment.

It got me thinking about how you can sometimes stand out for all the wrong reasons. I bet the chef still remembers the time a daft Scotsman insulted his produce and reputation.

It’s the same in business and especially on LinkedIn. I’ve seen this affect one-person companies and massive organisations.

I don’t think it’s fair to use specific examples, so I’ll end with a question for you to ponder (hit reply if you’d like to share your thoughts).

How can you stand out effectively without going too far?

Until next time.

Jamie 📣