Why does nobody do this on their contact page?

It's a mystery

As you’ve hopefully gathered by now, I enjoy experimenting with content to help me stand out.

One of my ideas is to add a nice little video to my contact page (I’ll record it tomorrow and share a link in the next newsletter).

I ran the suggestion past a few people in an online networking group and everyone was positive about it.

Will it make any difference? There’s only one way to find out for sure.

In the meantime, here are the potential advantages in my mind:

  • A video shows you care and have gone to a bit of extra effort

  • It’s a chance to add personality to your contact page because, let’s face it, most of them are pretty dull

  • You can use it to reassure people and address any objections

There are many more plus points, but what do you think?

Is it something you’ve ever considered, and if not, why not?

Please reply with your thoughts.

Until next time,

Jamie 📣