How can your agency clients stand out in a sea of sameness?

In 2017, I volunteered to help a tiny grassroots homeless organisation in London with its social media.

This isn’t me blowing smoke up my own wotsit.

I mention it because I was a bit stuck when I started.

  • I couldn’t find the right tone of voice

  • I wasn’t sure what to share every day

  • I was competing with huge charities for attention and donations

One day, I decided to take a creative risk and wrote a short poem from a homeless person’s perspective.

The results shocked me. It struck a chord with their following on all platforms. So for the vast majority of my 18 months as a volunteer, I spent 15 minutes a day writing and posting poems.

As the only form of marketing for the charity, it was essential for social media to generate donations of money, food and other essential items. At one point, they had to stop accepting parcels because their warehouse was full.

Would that have happened if I’d played it safe and posted factual rather than emotional content?

Not every client wants to take risks, but so many brands are floating along in a sea of sameness.

How can your agency help them stand out?

Until next time,

Jamie 📣

PS I gave my website a makeover earlier this week. Have a peek if you’ve got a minute.