These 3 things are ruining your pitches.

1 minute read.

The Magic Megaphone returns this fine Thursday after its Easter break.

This week I want to talk about pitch decks. I’ve worked in a few digital agencies and seen how these are typically put together.

Here are three common mistakes:

  1. Many agencies spend the first 10 slides or so talking about themselves. The potential client knows about you already and wants to learn what you can do for them. Start with that.

  2. The copy gets tweaked so much it ends up making no sense. I’ve seen this happen countless times just minutes before the pitch. Usually in a taxi or sat in reception.

  3. People are scared to take risks, but the client has probably sat through dozens of pitches in their career that were instantly forgettable.

Do you have a pitch checklist you run through before finalising yours?

Please share this email if it’s given you food for thought.

Until next time.

Jamie 📣